Hans "Mark" Moleman
2004-08-10 20:47:56 UTC
dropped a +5 bundle of words...
Even after I say I could care less about you or yer kids and once they
personal info is out there, I'll make sure the wrong people get it.
Very nice. I'm sure your momma is so proud at this moment. Spelling Bee
ain't got nothin' on threatening kids, jack!
figured I was gonna do it to you, so were just gonna go ahead and get it
Except for one thing. I don't threaten kids. I don't give a shit about
your kids except for weeping for them out of pity that you're the one
fathering them. You are pretty much the dumbest, most unstable and most
self-spanking thing I've seen on usenet. If there was an equivalent to
Wile E Coyote, I'm pretty sure it'd be you.
You're gonna go the way of Gulley. I can see it right now.
Did you already call the cops?dropped a +5 bundle of words...
lame from
wasn't an
How would you rate yer parenting?
How would you rate the importance of anger management?
You like wishing cancer on kids, Brandumb? Is that what you do? Get
on your bike, barely missing getting creamed by a soccermom in a
mini-van just so you can hit the malls and wish cancer on kids?
I can't believe you're not more popular!
I bet I'd win any popularity contest between us that was fair.On Thu, 5 Aug 2004 19:04:20 -0500, Starshine Moonbeam
I've outdone you repeatedly, substiantially and
Autoflame grade A.
This the best you have. It's so sad.
Well, it's not sad for me.
At least she posts the word Autoflame. Last time I got an
Says the girl with the skull that collapsed.
You've outdone yourself in the "worst flame" category,On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 01:49:32 -0500, Starshine
limited value. After all I trolled one (possibly
responsible for many) UFFie sockpuppet into an HL&S
award for me. Give it a try sometime. You could do
it with half your brain tied behind your back.
He doesn't have half a brain.bundle of words...
Usenet Freedom Fighters. They're defending
everyone's right to be a complete dipshit,
Don't be so hard on the UFFies. They are of someOn Tue, 27 Jul 2004 23:40:39 +0000, Tony Soprano
Fuck off, you utterly mindless UFFie twat.
I agree with this post.Fuck off, you utterly mindless UFFie twat.
Usenet Freedom Fighters. They're defending
everyone's right to be a complete dipshit,
limited value. After all I trolled one (possibly
responsible for many) UFFie sockpuppet into an HL&S
award for me. Give it a try sometime. You could do
it with half your brain tied behind your back.
Well, it's not sad for me.
jason he just stuck an A+ at the end. Come to think of it,
maybe it
maybe it
autoflame grade.
It was his rating of himself.D for using them as weapons
F for not being able admit you used yer two kids as weopons
F for not being able admit you used yer two kids as weopons
I for your an Ignorant punk ass of a father who deserves to watch
his kids die from cancer
So vicious!I for your an Ignorant punk ass of a father who deserves to watch
his kids die from cancer
You like wishing cancer on kids, Brandumb? Is that what you do? Get
on your bike, barely missing getting creamed by a soccermom in a
mini-van just so you can hit the malls and wish cancer on kids?
I can't believe you're not more popular!
Even after I say I could care less about you or yer kids and once they
personal info is out there, I'll make sure the wrong people get it.
ain't got nothin' on threatening kids, jack!
Bottom line is, you'd do it to mine so why don't I just beat you to it
cause I'm better at being an asshole than you ever could be.
So it's pre-emptive child threatening? And that makes it okay. Youcause I'm better at being an asshole than you ever could be.
figured I was gonna do it to you, so were just gonna go ahead and get it
Except for one thing. I don't threaten kids. I don't give a shit about
your kids except for weeping for them out of pity that you're the one
fathering them. You are pretty much the dumbest, most unstable and most
self-spanking thing I've seen on usenet. If there was an equivalent to
Wile E Coyote, I'm pretty sure it'd be you.
You're gonna go the way of Gulley. I can see it right now.
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